Rugby Union: Yatton Keynell rugby star Alex Crockett must wait a further week before discovering the findings of an RFU investigation into his behaviour.

The former Bath joint captain resigned from the club last Monday, along with England international Michael Lipman and Andrew Higgins.

An inquiry was then launched into allegations the trio refused to take drugs tests on three separate occasions.

Results of the investigation had been expected to be revealed yesterday afternoon, but a failure to reach certain key figures has delayed the process by a week.

“To date the investigation team has reviewed all of the Bath documentation and spent time meeting some witnesses from the club management and playing staff,” read an official RFU statement.

“However, the close season and holidays has meant logistical challenges over the availability of some key witnesses and it has not proved possible to complete some interviews needed to gather all the evidence required to make a decision.”

Meanwhile, it is understood that several continental clubs, including Toulouse, have expressed an interest in signing Crockett.

“He could sign for someone else tomorrow if he wanted to,” confirmed solicitor Richard Mallett.