Anthony Hall said that Swindon Town are looking to make a planning application for the Nigel Eady County Ground redevelopment by early next year.

The Joint Venture projects between the club and the Swindon Town Supporters Trust have been working on redeveloping the ground since it was purchased using the Nigel Eady Trust in March 2023.

When speaking about the topic in June, Hall said that the club were still weighing up options for the development and meeting with prospective architects for the project, with the master plan for the project soon to go to the JV for approval from all sides.

TrustSTFC Vice Chair James Phipps has also said that there has been renewed urgency in the project since the Open Letter.

The Adver spoke to Clem Morfuni and Hall and asked for an update on where the development was and they revealed that there should be progress coming soon.

Hall said: “When we last spoke we were going through the process of selecting an architect, which we have now done, we have got a JV meeting on Friday and we will be looking to make formal appointments of the architect next week.

“Our time frame and programme, which we have sat down and gone through with those guys, would be having a planning application in the early part of [20]25.

“[Fan consultations by the end of this year] are still very much in our thought process for whatever we may do, it may be earlier than that.

“We will take the lead from the architect on that and their professional opinions.

“[Is everything still on course to prevent the Swindon Borough Council buyback clause] Yes it is. Definitely.”

Hall also confirmed previous reports from The Moonraker that the plan for the first stage of the development is to add hospitality facilities to The Don Rogers Stand.

He said: “That [corporate boxes in the DRS] is one element of it, when the stand was built in 1994 there was an allowance for other hospitality facilities to be built that we can use on matchdays and non-matchday – so that will be looked into.

“[The first phase of development] is a refurbishment of The Don Rogers Stand with hospitality and there is an aspiration to have corporate boxes, but we need to look at the feasibility of that.

“We would need to look at where those boxes are located because we are very aware that those boxes would mean the displacement of fans.”