There are only three types of snakes native to the UK - an adder, grass snake and a smooth snake - all of which can be found across the country.

There were a number of adder sightings across the UK last year resulting in the deaths of numerous dogs.

Reports of dogs being bitten by snakes came in from all over the UK in 2023 including in Christchurch and Weymouth in Dorset and Newport in south Wales.

But where are snakes most commonly found? has come up with a list of the 4 "most snake-infested" locations in England.

So whether you are a snake lover hoping to catch a glimpse of one or are petrified and working out what areas to avoid, these are the locations to consider.

The 4 areas in England with the most snakes

Snakes need warmth to live as they are cold-blooded reptiles, so it’s no surprise that the majority live on England’s warmer south coast, says the A-Z website.

According to A-Z these are the four most "snake-infested" areas in England:

South Downs, West Sussex

A-Z said West Sussex is England’s sunniest county, and snakes inhabit its warm South Downs.

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: An adder is the only venomous snake native to the UK.An adder is the only venomous snake native to the UK. (Image: Getty Images)

It added: "Follow the South Down’s Serpent Trail; if you’re quiet, you might spot all three of England’s snake species.

"Adders, grass snakes, and the rare smooth snake all live here. Adders prefer forests, grass snakes slither through its wetlands, and smooth snakes enjoy the South Down’s heather and gorse heathlands.

"The South Downs has a small smooth snake population, so it’s not exactly infested, but it’s rare for this snake to appear anywhere in England. It’s only established in Dorset, Hampshire, Surrey, and West Sussex.

"Over the past few years, the media has reported a big increase in adder sightings, including a “large adder at a popular walking spot” that sent locals into panic for some time.

"The unfortunate adder did not bite anyone. It was simply basking in a sunny spot."

Chobham Common, Surrey

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Surrey is unofficially referred to as the bite capital of South-East England according to A-Z is unofficially referred to as the bite capital of South-East England according to A-Z (Image: Getty Images)

A-Z said Surrey is full of heathland, common land, and wide open chalky spaces, "making it perfect for reptiles and insects".

It added: "Surrey is unofficially called the “bite capital of south-east England.” In the past three years, 46 snake bites have been reported here.

"Surrey’s Chobham Common is one of the most snake-infested places in England.

"Although “infested” is a strong word. Even if you’re walking on Chobham Common, spotting a snake is rare.

"The lowland, dry heathland, bell heather, low-growing gorse, and acid boglands here create perfect habitats for all three of England’s snake species.

"Adders, grass snakes, and smooth snakes, plus the “pretend snake” slow worm and sand lizards, have made it their home.

"Smooth snakes were successfully reintroduced here in 2004, and the Reptile Conservation team regularly creates habitats suitable for their lifecycle."

Canford Heath, Dorset

According to A-Z Animals, Dorset’s heathland is one of the UK's most snake-infested places.

Poole’s Canford Heath especially is somewhere snakes love to live.

The website reads: "Dorset’s heaths provide habitat to all six of England’s native reptiles.

"That’s three snake species, slow worms, sand lizards, and the common lizard.

"Heathland is such a great spot for reptiles because it offers south-facing banks to bask on and plenty of suitable prey.

"Scrubby heathland on Canford Heath contains England’s rare smooth snake and plenty of adders and grass snakes too."

The New Forest, Hampshire

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Grass snakes are one of three snakes native to the UK.Grass snakes are one of three snakes native to the UK. (Image: Canva)

A-Z said: "Its county town is historic Winchester, and a belt of chalk lies northwest creating the Hampshire Downs, a favorite with sun-basking snakes, but according to reptile experts, it’s Hampshire’s New Forest that contains most snakes."

It added: "In terms of snakes infested areas, all three of England’s snakes reside in the New Forest.

"Adders inhabit the rough woods, grass snakes enjoy its mires, and rare smooth snakes inhabit gorse and heather heathland."

Dr Angela Julian, Coordinator, Amphibians and Reptile Groups UK (ARG UK) said: "The Adder has historically been a victim of poor public relations due to misinformation and a lack of education and realistic information.

"We very much hope that a more informed approach to conservation and less 'sensationalist', coupled with more responsible and enlightened reporting in the press, will help over turn previous misconceptions.

"Sadly, evidence from long-term monitoring suggests that the most striking of our three native snakes, the adder, appears to be declining rapidly across many parts of the UK, and faces local extinction in many counties.

"Alongside habitat loss and fragmentation, historic persecution of this snake is likely to be an important reason for these declines, even though along with all our other native reptiles it is protected from killing or injury by law.

"As the UK’s only venomous snake, adders have long suffered a negative public image, and naturally secretive, it is easy to misunderstand these vulnerable creatures, and underestimate their role as an indicator of a healthy environment."

Dr Julian also urged anyone out in the countryside to act responsibly, respect the natural habitat of snakes, and to keep their dogs under control.


She said: "The presence of small numbers of adders in some parts of Sussex should be seen a positive sign of a still healthy ecosystem supporting a diverse range of species.

"We need to understand that adders are special and important, and learn how to live harmoniously alongside them.

"Therefore, if you do see an adder, be respectful of it, step back to give it space to move away, keep your dog under close control, and under no circumstance try to touch it or pick it up.

"If you do spot any reptile or amphibian, please record them on and support the conservation effort by our amazing ARG volunteers."