I had always suspected that James Gray MP was out of touch with ordinary people and his column last week confirmed this view. I wonder who describes the VAT rise with such glee to pronounce “Bring it on!”.

Turn the page and you will see an independent accountancy firm warning about the potentially disastrous effect of the rise on small businesses in our area, not to mention the poorest in Wiltshire who are disproportionately affected by VAT.

Furthermore, no-one who relies on Government support or services – help for the disabled, our schools or police officers – is looking ahead to a 25 per cent cut with relish as he suggests. Mr Gray betrays his priorities when he reveals the relief the wealthy feel at a minor capital gains tax rise.

He celebrates a budget which hits the poorest hardest, while those in the City most responsible for the crisis get off scot free. I suggest Mr Gray descends from his ivory tower and talks to ordinary people before penning such a narrow-minded column in future.

Greg Lovell, Secretary, Chippenham Constituency Labour Party.