MAYOR Catherine Doody launched Breast Cancer Awareness Month in Malmesbury on Friday.

Coun Doody wore a pink T-shirt and cut a pink ribbon at The Cancer Research Shop in the High Street, to mark the start of the charity's national Get in the Pink campaign which raises money to fund research into the treatment of breast cancer.

Coun Doody said: "It was a good, fun way to raise the profile of breast cancer, and other types of cancer too. There are very few families today who have not been touched by cancer."

She said she was very aware of the importance of cancer research because several members of her own family, including her parents, had died from cancer.

Liz Lockstone, shop manager, said the shop had sold more than 50 pink ribbons at the launch.

Claudia McVie, regional director of The Cancer Research Campaign said: "The mayor helped spread our message that research cures cancer, but research costs money."