HUNDREDS of homes were left without water in Bradford on Avon after workmen severed a mains pipe.

Transco workers replacing the gas main along Frome Road inadvertently hit the water main at about 1pm on Saturday, October 7.

Town councillor Malcolm Hewson, who visited the site, said: "I arrived to find the contractors and Wessex Water already on the case.

"It's a typical underground nightmare, with gas and water mains running too close together and past records of little use.

"I understand some boffin is developing X-ray spectacles to enable contractors to see underground pipes and cables. As far as I am concerned they cannot come quickly enough."

The water main was damaged near the Lock Inn Cafe and about 250 to 300 homes in Avonfield Avenue, Regents Place and Bassetts Pastures were without water for an hour.