I read with growing alarm the article in Monday's Evening Advertiser "Call for gay blessings" where the Bishop of Swindon, Michael Doe, said he believed the Church of England should hold blessings for homosexual couples.

His comment that the world had moved on and it was no longer possible to pretend that marriage was better than gay relationships left me feeling shocked.

The man stating this is apparently a leading member of the church.

The bible states clearly in 1 Corinthians 6 that practicing homosexuals are against God's will.

Surely Michael Doe is contradicting the bible?

It's time that true Christians stood up for their beliefs and stopped going along with the crowd.

At the end of the day if God had meant us to be homosexual the human race would have died out after one generation.

I am not homophobic but Christians are supposed to live by the principles in the bible and Michael Doe is letting the Christian Church down by watering down his standards.


