The fight against animal exports has hit the streets of Swindon.

Members of Swindon Animal Concern have been drumming up support for the Compassion in World Farming campaign.

Shoppers have been asked to back a bid to end the live export trade.

They were encouraged to sign cards urging the Government to ban exports and to take a lead in persuading Britain's European partners to abandon the long distance transport of live animals.

Swindon Animal Concern spokeswoman Marilyn Harrison said: "Thousands of animals are sent on lengthy journeys to continental abbatoirs.

"With hundreds of animals crammed into huge trucks, many end up being bruised, crushed and even trampled."

She said animals could be denied food and water, with some dying of exhaustion during their transport.

She claimed: "The European Commission has admitted that the laws on feeding and watering animals during transport are systematically flouted."