I wonder if the Wiltshire police have pondered this question why would certain teenagers who live in Swindon leave the night life of the big town to join their mates on the streets of a sleepy little place like Cricklade?

Could the answer just possibly be that they can commit any petty crime, including drugs and vandalism, with about a zero chance of being caught?

I remain unconvinced by the comments of the new inspector that the problem is fully understood or appreciated. It doesn't matter how many extra police are put into the local police station if they are not there for a substantial part of the day, especially the evenings.

They need to be out patrolling on foot, not at predictable regular times but unexpectedly, at irregular intervals, if they seriously want to catch anyone breaking the law. Otherwise, the risk is that the local community might get more involved. Does he really want a vigilante force dishing out DIY instant justice?


