Swindon Borough Council must think long and hard before it pushes through cuts to services at the Clapham Hobbs Unit.

We appreciate that it is easy to criticise councillors when difficult budget decisions have to be made. But in this case they really must consider the damage they may be inflicting by reducing the level of care provided by the unit.

We welcome the extra time given for the council's working party to consider a solution to the whole problem. But it has already said that it can find just £7,000 annual savings when the council wants it to find £55,000. It is difficult to see how more time will bring it to a different conclusion.

Carer Norman Hammet, who sits on the working party, is right to point out that those who need caring for will not simply go away.

If cuts are made there would still be the same number of people with physical disabilities needing help either in their own home or at another venue.

The whole exercise smacks of budget shuffling by the council. And the only losers will be those who currently enjoy vital practical and emotional support at the Clapham Hobbs Unit.