KENNET District Council's new arts development officer has pledged all the community will be involved when the arts strategy is set up.

Jo Beal, 29, took up her post at the end of August and is finding the task of stimulating artistic activity in the rural area a fascinating challenge.

She said: "The people are great and the place is lovely. I am getting a lot of support. I can't wait to get started."

Miss Beal, a textile artist and violinist who was formerly part of the arts development team at Test Valley Borough Council in Andover, takes over from Ruth Hecht who left last Christmas.

She has promised to put into action the arts strategy prepared by her predecessor and is seeing through projects started by Ms Hecht before her departure.

One of these is Words Together, a creative writing project aimed at older people living on their own or in sheltered accommodation. It has been organised by Kennet with support from Wiltshire Social Services and Sarsen Housing Association.

Bath-based ArtSpark was brought in to run the 10 weekly sessions with residents of Cromwell House, Rowde. They were encouraged to write their reminiscences in the form of short stories or poems and some of the results have been published in a slim volume.

The project fits in with the district council's themes of community safety, community health, sustaining rural communities and social inclusion.

Miss Beal's next project, Digitalising Disability, will be launched at the beginning of December.

The scheme involves young disabled people, aged 18 to 30, using video, animation, film and photography to create a work which reflects their view of the world.

Some £9,000 of funding has been secured from Southern Arts with another £1,500 pledged by Kennet, together with contributions from other interested organisations.

Miss Beal said: "It is being launched on December 4, International Day of Disabled People, and it is taking place during the Year of the Artist, so a lot of threads are being drawn together."

Four disabled professional artists who call themselves the Outside Centre are running the project, with the Mobile Media Club setting up workshops on the use of electronic media.

Many people still mourn the passing of Theatre in the Downs.

Miss Beal has promised that community theatre has not been forgotten in the rush to embrace other art forms.

She said: "There is money in the budget for theatre development.

"We are having a meeting with Salisbury Playhouse.

"It is there for the whole county, not just for Salisbury."

Money has been put aside for a feasibility study into an equipment pool that can be loaned out to theatre groups and other artistic organisations in the area.

It is hoped staging, lighting, sound equipment and exhibition display stands will eventually be available to the community.

It is also Miss Beal's job to recommend grant aid to local arts organisations such as Devizes Festival, White Horse Opera and the Wharf Theatre.

"I cannot promise that everyone who applies for a grant will receive one.

"But I am quite prepared to consider anything and put it before the councillors," she said.