PEOPLE will only be able to dump rubbish in skips provided by Devizes Town Council for one hour on a weekday afternoon from 2pm to 3pm.

The council said it had been forced to change the times of its skip service because of operational difficulties and abuse of the service.

Simon Fisher, council manager, said: "Historically, the skips were delivered in the late afternoon then removed the following morning to go to the tip.

"With the current arrangements the skip is removed from the drop site at 5pm, which is too late for it to be delivered to the dump site before it closes, requiring it to be stored overnight.

"The Hopton depot is not licensed to store waste and it has to be taken to Marlborough for overnight storage before being taken on to Compton Bassett the following morning."

The new arrangements begin on October 31. For about the skips ring (01380) 722415.