MATRAVERS School celebrated the official opening of its new drama block with an evening of entertainment.

The building was officially opened by Pam Wakefield, a parent, who made a successful bid for the honour in a fundraising auction.

Visitors were taken on a tour of the school before they settled down to enjoy a wide variety of entertainments performed by current and former pupils and teachers.

These included performances by the school orchestra, and dramatic scenes by year 12 pupils and the school's head of drama Mike Leigh.

Pupils' dancing prowess was demonstrated by an Irish dance and a sport aerobic demonstration.

Two bands, one made up of three Year Eleven boys, the other of former pupils also entertained the audience.

Former pupil Emma Powell played a saxophone solo.

Pupils and teachers have become used to the presence of workmen at Matravers and head teacher Nigel Gilhespy thanked them for their work.

He said: "We have co-existed for almost a year, in fact we will miss them all greatly when they finally leave us to our own devices."

Mr Gilhespy also gave special thanks to drama block architect Paul Stevens.