IMPROVEMENTS to the Kennet and Avon Canal through west Wiltshire face being axed because the scheme has gone £1.6m over budget.

The partnership which is organising the refurbishment of the canal, funded by a £25m National Lottery grant, is now trying to find other ways of paying for the projects which have been earmarked for the axe to save money.

The biggest project under threat is car parking at Semington Bridge, which would have cost almost £42,000.

Other smaller schemes in danger are signs to the car park at Bradford on Avon costing £1,500; planting between the canal and the Airsprung factory in Trowbridge costing £500; sluice repairs at Bradford on Avon costing £8,046, and tourist signs at Limpley Stoke costing £348.

The partnership, which includes British Waterways and several local authorities, wants to keep the Airpsrung landscaping, Semington Bridge car park and sluice gates scheme going and find the money for them from another source.

The Limpley Stoke signs will not go ahead, and a developer will be asked to provide the Bradford car park signs.

West Wiltshire District Council development control officer Tracy Harvey said: "The proposed removed projects for the west Wiltshire area are more minor works. Although important from the point of view of visitor experience, they are not contributing directly to the maintenance of the canal or providing additional facilities.

"The proposed losses for west Wiltshire are minimal, and are considered to be of less significance for the canal and its future than the loss of other proposed works."

The whole length of the canal is being upgraded and improved with the £25m Heritage Lottery grant, which was awarded in 1997.

West Wiltshire district councillors were meeting last night to decide whether to agree the two signs schemes could be dropped from the project.