A CHILDREN'S playground in Roundponds, Melksham, will soon be transformed into a dog-proof area.

The site at the end of Dunch Lane has continually had problems with dogs fouling the grass.

A new fence has been built with the aim of keeping the animals out.

However, there is growing concern about dogs running on to the George Ward School playing fields.

Dog mess is becoming a big problem for the school. Pupils playing sports outside often get mess on their clothes and trainers.

Signs are displayed at the site warning pet owners of the £1000 fine that can result from allowing their dogs to foul the grass. But many owners appear to ignore the notices.

West Wiltshire District councillor Angie Barker is working with the education authority to try to resolve the issue.

She said: "People need to take more responsibility with their dogs.

"Most owners I have met are very careful and think about the consequences of children picking up Toxocara Canis.

"Can I therefore make a plea to those irresponsible persons to do the right thing by walking their dogs in the right places and then cleaning up after them."