CHILDREN and staff at Broad Town Pre-school's newly-formed lunch club wore fancy dress and painted pumpkin masks for a Hallowe'en party last week.

Treats included biscuits they had decorated earlier.

Parents and play leaders Elaine Steel and Sonia-Jean Wakefield carved pumpkins which were displayed afterwards in the pre-school's new outdoor play area.

Primary School headteacher Sue Ellis congratulated all the children on their costumes and presented a toffee apple and a chocolate bar to each one.

The pre-school is now enjoying the benefits of extensive renovations and improvements which volunteers completed in time for the start of this term.

Indoors, a double sink unit has been installed, and the toilet area has been re-painted and tiled.

The exterior of the building has been painted, a porch has been added and the formerly overgrown garden has been transformed into a two-level play area.

The upper level, surfaced with smooth pebbles, incorporates a large covered sand-pit.

The lower area, with wood-chip surface, has three raised flowerbeds and a rock garden. Child-safe herbs were donated by Greatfield Nursery and a selection of rock plants were given by Jardinerie Garden Centre.

A substantial new Wendy House which forms a focal point is proving very popular with the children.

The Pre-school has also recently received a pleasing Ofsted report which commends some features as excellent.