KENNET District Council workers have fenced off one of the trees in Devizes Market Place marked for the axe as part of the town centre regeneration work.

The London plane tree between the Market Cross and Lloyds Bank, one of eight planted in 1889, will not to be cut down for at least two weeks.

Will Harley, Kennet's landscape and countryside officer, said: "We are very concerned with the condition of one of the branches. It may well come down in the gales that are forecast and the council would be liable if anyone was hurt.

"So we decided to cone it off to warn people to keep clear of it."

All five trees, survivors of the 1889 planting, are to come down in the next 12 months if Kennet councillors ratify the recommendations of the Devizes Town Centre Joint Member Working Party.

The tree which is causing particular concern was condemned as unsafe by independent tree specialists retained by local resident Mark Wickham to report on the Market Place plane trees.

In addition to being affected by the crown rot which has hit all five, its condition has deteriorated further by being regularly hit by parking cars.

Although the trees are to be replaced by semi-mature trees of the same species that will be taller than those currently in place, local people have reacted angrily.

One said she would chain herself to a tree to prevent it being cut down while a local man said he would chop down all the trees in the garden of county councillor Pat Rugg.