I WAS interested to see the recent report about the use of the former cinema in Chippenham, which previously housed Goldiggers nightclub.

It seems that North Wiltshire District Council is coming under pressure to do something about the lease on the building, with offers coming in from another leisure company to establish an alternative nightclub.

I think the debate ought to be widened to include a possible change of use to another, perhaps more community orientated function.

Does the building have to be a nightclub, or can it be put to some use that will benefit the community far more?

Does money have to be the controlling interest which determines the value and use of this particularly prominent building?

It seems so often to be the case that a financial gain for the council is what really matters.

Could we look at alternatives which will enhance the community of a town in which the population is growing rapidly and the facilities to develop the community are not?

I ask the district and town councils to look seriously at the deeper questions before rushing into a decision to establish another nightclub that may not be of great benefit to the town.

David Slater


Station Hill Baptist Church
