On October 31 you asked about the Front Garden 'Can they build here?'

The answer is no, if they have any common sense.

Deputy council leader Derek Benfield says: "What you have to remember is that no drainage has been built on the Front Garden yet."

Where does Mr Benfield think that water is going to go? I would imagine into the Rivers Ray and Thames eventually, and become someone else's flood problem. A selfish attitude.

In a disaster at sea, if too many people are allowed in one lifeboat it becomes swamped and all are lost.

This is what is happening to Britain. It is over-populated. People from all parts of the world want to live here. The Government encourages this by building more homes, shopping areas, car parks, airports and motorways. In short, Britain is being swamped.

Rain water's natural means of dispersion is through the earth and soil. The more we cover land, this does not take place. Hence flooding on low lying areas, causing untold misery for hundreds of people.

The Front Garden is just the tip of the iceberg.


West View, Swindon