VILLAGERS saw six years' hard work and fundraising come to fruition at the weekend with the opening of Derry Hill's new Lansdowne Hall.

The £300,000 facility was opened on Saturday November 11 by Bowood Estate owner Lord Lansdowne, who donated the land for the hall behind Christ Church and the village school.

Village hall trust secretary Richard Aylen said he hoped the hall would give the community a new heart. He commended the efforts of the trust members.

"We have a very hard working team," he said. "The hall will mean a new generation of clubs and societies to add to the social life of the local community, which is very important."

After the opening ceremony, villagers were invited to talk to clubs which have plans to use the hall. A sell-out concert with three local bands followed in the evening.

Much of the money to build the hall was raised thanks to the efforts of local people who organised fundraising events and secured grants and sponsorship.

Information about the hall can be found on the village website at