FRIENDS of the Earth campaigners are off this week to take action at a crucial world summit on climate change.

The summit is taking place in The Hague, Netherlands, where these campaigners from around the world will be building a giant sea wall of sandbags about one kilometre long and 1.5 metres high.

The summit follows the historic agreement signed in Kyoto in 1997 when world governments including the UK agreed to take action to cut emissions of climate changing gases.

But since Kyoto, the vested interest of world governments and big oil companies have been lobbying hard to stop any action to end dependence on fossil fuels and cut emissions.

Fuel tax protesters in Britain have been demanding cuts in petrol prices, which would put more cars on the road and make the problem worse.

Meanwhile, scientists agree that climate change is already happening.

Around Britain there have been deaths, injuries and damage to thousands of homes and businesses in the recent floods and storms.

As climate change takes hold such events will become more frequent. The Hague talks could be the last chance to save the world from the worst consequences of man-made change.

For information about FoE groups contact Jo Ripleyon (01672) 513950 or Dorothy Lewis, on (01249) 822781.



Friends of the Earth