Regarding your article about the Steam Museum, may I suggest the borough council members take a look at the poor signs and directions of how to find the museum.

When I wanted to visit the museum, there was a sign pointing to the Outlet Centre Car Park. After that I needed to ask four different people where it was, the first two didn't know there even was such a place, the third said "it's over there somewhere", the fourth, after I had walked "over there somewhere" said it's over there in that corner. I eventually found it and had a couple of very enjoyable hours in there, it is very well thought out.

Afterwards in the Outlet Centre I noticed there weren't large signs anywhere advertising "this way to the Museum". There must be many more people in the town plus visitors to Swindon who don't know where to find it. I suggest that some of the £500,000 grant is spent on extra sign posts also stating Steam Museum not just plain "Steam". That doesn't mean anything at all to some people. It could mean steam bath or even a launderette. The attendance at any museum in any town will always be slow it is not the kind of place that people rush to see, but we do like to know it is there. I shall certainly go again, it's somewhere very interesting to take any visitors I may have staying with me.

Thank you for a look into the past. It brought back happy memories.


Mundy Avenue
