GEOFF Brewer (letters November 9) is right to draw your readers' attention to the environmental dangers highlighted by the recent floods.

People all over Wiltshire and elsewhere in the country have been made painfully aware of some of the effects of global warming.

The UK's under-investment in flood protection measures is another factor leading to the floods.

This country, together with others in the developed world, has to reduce emissions of polluting gases if we are to avert a real calamity.

Geoff blames the Labour Government for "having abandoned its general election pledge of traffic reduction."

The Labour Government must take its share of the blame but probably for doing too little too late rather than for a wholesale abandonment of its pledges.

As Geoff Brewer must be aware Liberal Democrat MPs have consistently urged this Government to have more courage in pursuing a "green" agenda.

Liberal Democrats have also matched their words with action, introducing Road Traffic Reduction Bills in the House and pursuing green policies in Liberal Democrat-controlled councils right across the country.

The recently published pre-manifesto of the Liberal Democrats "Freedom in a Liberal Society" made a point of including "green" pledges on every page, thus linking our concern for the environment with every aspect of policy.

No other major party can claim that kind of commitment as Charles Secrett, of Friends of the Earth, has acknowledged.

Liberal Democrats may be "head-to- head" with the Government over green policies but it is in an effort to get green commitments enacted.


Friday Lane

Charlton St Peter