CAROL Burgess (Gazette November 9) obviously has a vivid imagination if she thinks farmers chop up their dead animals and feed them to the rest of their stock.

Apart from being an ignorant remark, it was also so unrealistic that it was funny.

This never has, and never will, take place. How can we be blamed for innocently buying food for our cows, we had no idea what cattle feed manufacturers were putting in it?

Whether the feed was cheap or expensive was not an issue it was happening in most feed companies.

Carol Burgess should make sure she gets her facts right before she makes such accusations. She has obviously never set foot on a farm to have such silly ideas of farming.

Farmers love their animals and would never knowingly give them infected feed. Why would we jeopardise our livelihoods by badly treating the animals that make up that livelihood?

Has Mrs Burgess ever considered that it is the actual farm owner working on Sundays rather than a paid employee?

My partner the farm owner thinks nothing of working an average of 14 hours a day every single day of the year.

And that's just an average day, when we are silaging, harvesting, have cows calving etc, it is all through the night as well.

Mrs Burgess' little knowledge of farming is proved by the fact that she doesn't realise Sundays are the same as any other day to a farmer.

Animals still need looking after, it is a seven-day-a-week job, but we do sincerely apologise for holding her up in our tractors on her Sunday afternoon drive.

It is upsetting to think we work the hours that we do to care for our animals to make a living when there are people like Mrs Burgess who do not know the first thing about farming yet made these kind of comments and accusations.

Despite Mrs Burgess' low opinion of farmers, except the "lady farmer who bought the best food on the television,"and the fact that we hold her up on her drive I expect she still has milk on her cornflakes and in her tea every morning. Or does she think milk is made in a factory?


Caen Hill Farm
