I have given BBC Wiltshire Sound's new programmes a listen since they changed on October 16 and I am disappointed.

We were promised that Shirley Ludford would be heard weekdays where is she? She's answering telephones! What a waste of personable broadcast talent! Shirley did an excellent job of compering the Remembrance Concert at the Wyvern Theatre last Sunday. Will we now only hear her at public events like these? If so, I hope she continues to receive many bookings. She's local, she's talented but it appears that is wasted on Mr Harwood.

I listened for one new weekend of programmes and that was more than enough! I, like several others I have talked to will not be listening again. Four hours of Sandy Martin? No thank you.

As for the "Even More Local" bit the new manager promised, it is certainly not through the new Swindon presenters he has brought in. They're in need of local knowledge and the programmes in need of sparkle!

Everything can do with a tweak or a refresh every so often, but to make such drastic changes is a definite turn-off.

What has happened to the petition started by Mr and Mrs Miller, as featured in the Adver? If it is still gathering signatures, please print the details I know of many signatures waiting to be added. Perhaps Wogan isn't so bad after all BBC Radio 2 here I come


"Unimpressed of Swindon"

Mundy Avenue

