Swindon's scouting community now has enough toilet seats to open a shop after an appeal in the Evening Advertiser.

They made a plea for three of the bizarre items along with two rubber chickens and 12 drums so they could stage a spoof of the 12 days of Christmas in this year's Swindon Scouts and Guides Gang Show.

Within hours gang show producer Yvonne Jefferies had been pledged more toilet seats than she knew what to do with thanks to the generosity of residents in the town.

They also came up trumps with the rubber chickens, while Wise's Bakery in Stratton donated round containers which can be converted into the drums the show needs.

"We are so grateful to the Adver the phone never stopped ringing after our appeal went in," said Mrs Jefferies.

"We have had some quite comical conversations and we could open up a shop for toilet seats with all the offers we have had.

"There was no shortage of rubber chickens either.

"One man who wanted to donate one said it was a personal member of the family and was very concerned it would be returned to him.

"We are absolutely delighted with everyone's generosity and hope people come along to the show to see how the props are being used."

This year's show is called Musical Magic and begins its run at the Wyvern Theatre at the end of this month.

It will have an old-time feel, with performers dressed in period costumes and some will even mingle with the audience.

The 160-strong cast is made up of all levels of Scouts and Guides across the area, including Beavers, Cubs and Rainbows as well as leaders.

They had to raise £10,000 to stage the show after its future was in doubt. Disappointing ticket sales at the last one in May last year meant it made a loss for the first time in 23 years.

But in March this year the show received nearly £5,000 from lottery funds and together with fundraising and donations the show was able to go on.

It runs from November 29 to December 2 and tickets cost between £5 and £8. They are available from the Wyvern Theatre Box Office on 01793 524481.