I WAS very disappointed to read the recent article regarding the abolition of the Christmas park and ride scheme in Swindon.

However, I am not writing this letter from a car driver's point of view, but from that of a regular bus user. To my amazement there was no mention of using public transport as an alternative there are regular buses from Chippenham, Calne, Malmesbury, Marlborough, etc, etc!! For example, Stagecoach runs services every 15 minutes through Wootton Bassett on Saturdays. Why isn't more being done to publicise these facts?

It's time to inform people that there is an alternative to driving their car into Swindon. As a regular bus user, I know the bus journey is actually quicker and cheaper than using a car.

Please try to do more to publicise our public transport service so that people become more aware of the benefits, reliability, frequency, cost savings and convenience, not only from the Thamesdown bus service in Swindon but also from the surrounding areas.

And from an environmental point of view, we need to realise that oil is a finite resource while our consumption keeps growing.


Briars Close

Wootton Bassett
