I ATTENDED a "flawed" debate in the Civic Offices (Thursday, November 23) when SBC voted for development of the Front Garden.

May I be allowed to make a number of observations?

Contributions to the debate from various councillors clearly indicated that their "yes" vote was motivated by a desire to keep any large housing development from taking place in those areas they represented (NIMBY) and not because of any enthusiasm for what many people (myself included) consider to be totally unnecessary at this moment in time.

Terry King of FRAG presented overwhelming evidence why housing should not be built on the Front Garden.

Clever Terry Brady (chairman of STFC) is using the average Swindonian's love of the "beautiful game" as a trojan horse, in order to gain a foothold on the Front Garden for housing developments.

This already overloaded infrastructure of our small Victorian town with its gridlocked roads and inadequate hospital facilities will become an environmental "no go area" if this lunatic proposal is not defeated.

Future guidelines for housing developments currently being prepared by Government relating to flood plains and the need to maximise the use of brownfield sites will hopefully influence Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott to overturn this misguided decision of SBC when it lands on his desk.

Your headline (EA Nov 24) "Campaigners lose their battle" is, with respect, somewhat premature.

SBC are opposed by citizens with "Fire in their bellies" who are not easily defeated.


Beckhampton Street
