FORMER Chippenham College student Brett Rogers has been awarded The Borough Lands 1554 Trophy to celebrate his great personal progress.

Mr Rogers, 18, who suffers from a rare condition causing a severe loss of vision, collected the trophy at a prizegiving at Wiltshire College on Friday November 24.

He moved to Chippenham with his family from Durham in 1998, having achieved good grades at GCSE.

He gained an overall distinction for the Advanced GNVQ in IT, and completed Semester 1 of the Cisco Networking Academy training to a high standard.

He went on work experience and received excellent reports. He spent the summer working with the college's central computing team recabling the Learning Resource Centre, setting up PCs and installing software. He established and developed the College Intranet, which is now available in all the college networked workstations, and has represented the college in the South West finals of IT User of the Year.

Mr Rogers is taking a degree in computer studies at Southampton University.