POLICE were not impressed by 21-year-old Damien Richens' excuse for having a large stone in his pocket when he was stopped near the scene of a break-in.

Magistrates at Salisbury were told on Friday November 24, officers did not believe he was planning to take it home to polish it. He was unable to account for cuts and blood on his hand and remnants of blue paint on him.

Richens, of Roman Way, Market Lavington, was appearing for sentence for an offence of burglary with intent to steal, being found drunk on another occasion and failing to surrender to bail.

Prosecutor Roger Jones said police went to the Co-op in High Street, Market Lavington, in answer to a security alarm. Richens was seen nearby.

He was bailed to November 6, but on the day police found him drunk in the street.

Defending, Paul Tritschler said the young man's problems were drink related.

Richens, an unemployed building worker, was put on probation for 12 months.

He was ordered to pay £50 costs.