APPEARANCES are important, but Mr Fothergill (letters November 23) should not be too quick to pass judgement.

Coun Ruth Coleman says the habit of sometimes knitting during long council sittings helps her concentration.

Taking the penetration and value of her personal contributions to the debate on the night of the meeting in question, one is bound to say that perhaps some knitting lessons might help some of our other colleagues on the council!

Public council meetings are just the tip of the iceberg, all councillors are required to do an enormous amount of additional work, so give me more people like Ruth Coleman who are prepared to put the hours in and make useful contributions to the debates.

North Wiltshire district councillors give quite extraordinary amounts of their time and energy to serve their electors.

Few people are prepared to make the sacrifices for this work, which carries virtually no financial reward and precious little thanks.

It is indeed surprising that we get so many dedicated people to give so much to the community.

Many members hold down full-time jobs and come straight from work to meetings and personally I do not begrudge them a cup of coffee.

Sorry Mr Fothergill, it is the quality of members' contributions that matter most.


Lib-Dem Leader

North Wiltshire District Council