MAYOR Arthur Archer today called for the town's new £148 million hospital to reflect Swindon's railway heritage.

The Evening Advertiser has asked the people of Swindon to vote for the name from a shortlist of five.

We launched our phone poll yesterday and already hundreds of people have called to give their choice.

Coun Archer (Lab, Gorse Hill) said he wanted the new Commonhead building to be named The Great Western Hospital.

He said: "As a former railway man for 42 years, the obvious choice for me would be the Great Western Hospital. I think it is so obvious."

His view was echoed by Swindon Borough Council leader Sue Bates who said: "The name that I think I would prefer out of the suggested list is the Great Western Hospital. That it the name of the original hospital in Swindon which was built by the Great Western Railway for their workers.

"Although we are thinking about a new hospital, Great Western also reflects the important history of the GWR in the town."

Swindon Age Concern Director Jo Osorio said: "I am not terribly excited by any of the options, but I prefer Swindon District Hospital. I would like to see the name Swindon in the title."

And Nick Beaumont Jones said: "If I had to choose a name, I would go for Swindon and Wiltshire Hospital, because people who live outside Swindon would feel they are being left out otherwise. But to be honest I would like to have seen it named after someone from Swindon, but not Brunel because we are looking to the future. The list of names is very impersonal."

The replacement for Princess Margaret Hospital, is being built near the Commonhead roundabout.

And work is on course for its completion date of November 2002.