A PARTY of young people from Swindon has arrived safely in Nicaragua at the start of a three-week mission to help people there.

During their stay in Swindon's twin town of Ocotal the youngsters will help set up a major reforestation programme.

It is needed because Ocotal and the surrounding area was devastated when Hurricane Mitch struck two years ago.

The town is still trying to recover, and the visit by the party of 10 teenagers is the latest stage in an ongoing aid package to Ocotal from Swindon.

The expedition was organised by Alan Bailey, the senior youth services manager with Swindon Council, who said he has received word that the party has arrived safely and are settled in.

The youngsters, who are former pupils of Commonweal and Dorcan Schools and members of Lawn Youth Club, will spend most of their time planting tree seeds in a nursery.

In spring the saplings will be planted to help replace the many trees uprooted by the hurricane and lost to soil erosion.