YOUR recent item about the Northern Orbital Road was informative but failed to note two very important facts.

Although commuters will find progress between Crick-lade Road and Purton Road, Moredon, much quicker than at present, there is no doubt that same progress will end at either point.

Users of the A419 will be aware of the many grade separated junctions to the north and south of Swindon which allow access to villages and even a stone quarry.

The idea of such a junction is to allow traffic turning right to do so without crossing the path of oncoming vehicles.

It would seem reasonable to suppose that the busiest junction by far at Turnpike should enjoy the same arrangement.

It would also seem reasonable that if a new estate, along with the provision of a supermarket is proposed, just off that junction, then thought should be given to a better method of traffic separation.

We know that the Borough of Swindon have made their views known to the appropriate authority but the solution is in the hands of the Highways Agency.

Perhaps your newspaper may like to lead a campaign for a suitable improvement?

P W EAGLE (parish councillor, Haydon Wick)

Furlong Close

Haydon Wick
