STUDENTS from two Trow-bridge schools have been celebrating their achievements in this year's GCSE examinations.

Awards ceremonies were held last week for former year 11 pupils from the John of Gaunt and Clarendon Schools.

The John of Gaunt School was named one of the 100 most improved schools in the country for its GCSE results this year. All 252 students were invited to collect their certificates at a ceremony in Trowbridge Civic Hall.

Deputy headteacher Peter Sanderson said: "The whole year group did really well, they were the best results we have ever had. There was a 99 per cent pass rate and 59 per cent of the year group got five or more grades A* to C, the magic Government measure."

Guest speaker was Amanda Booth, physiotherapist for the national swimming and triathlon team at the Olympics.

Mr Sanderson said: "It was all about celebrating achievement and we wanted to bring the Olympics into our certificate evening."

At Clarendon School they were delighted so many former students returned for the awards

A ceremony was held at the newly-opened Spectrum building and former members of staff, Matthew Rose and Andrea Creaton, returned to see their students get awards.

There were special individual awards for David Zielinski (Bernard Wight Trophy for Achievement), Tom Rossi (BLESMA award for sporting achievement), Chloe Rose (Sue Gattiker award for performing arts), Steven Holley (head of year award for contribution to the school) and Claire Barnes (head of year award for personal performance).