PUPILS from Kingsdown Comprehen-sive School pitched in to help volunteers from the Stratton branch of Age Concern pack up Christmas hampers for 1,700 pensioners in the area.

The pupils, from Year 7, spent a morning at the Stratton youth club opposite their school to help pack up the parcels of groceries.

Teacher Linda Bacon said: "This is something which we do every year. It is a bit of a Christmas tradition. It is quite a big job and that is why Age Concern ask us for our help."

Each of the parcels contained eight items bought with money raised by various activities organised by the Stratton branch of Age Concern.

Children from Primary Schools in the area also contributed by creating Christmas cards which were also placed in the festive hampers.

Leaflets with advice about security, how to keep warm and useful contact numbers were also put in the parcels.