GIULIANO GRAZIOLI and Bart Griemink will celebrate tonight's match with a 'Posh' do.

Simon Davies and Matthew Etherington were hailed as England stars of the future when they were transferred from Peterborough to Spurs in a blaze of publicity two years ago.

Etherington, 19, is a nifty left-sided midfielder who has already featured in Glenn Hoddle's pre-season plans, setting up two goals in the 8-1 win at Stevenage.

Davies, 21, was a big favourite with the Peterborough faithful and he also played at Stevenage.

Both Griemink and Grazioli were Posh players when the two youngsters burst onto the scene.

Grazioli said: "I wish them all the best. They're two very skillful players and hopefully they will go on to make a name for themselves in the Premiership."

Griemink said: "They were highly thought of at Peterborough and have done well. It should be a good test for us tonight."