A PLAY area in Fairford threatened with closure because of vandalism has been saved.

A dozen residents have stepped in to rescue vandal-hit Walnut Tree Field. The area is often found strewn with smashed bottles, and play equipment and fencing have been damaged. Used syringes have also been found.

Volunteers who manage the site called a meeting last week, claiming that the area would have to close unless more people came forward to raise funds and help look after it.

The site costs around £1,200 a year to maintain and Fairford Playing Field Association's management committee, which runs it, also wants to raise extra money to refurbish the area.

A set of swings, a see-saw, a climbing wall and basketball nets have all been removed from the site because of vandalism.

One suggestion to beat the vandals is for CCTV with a link to Fairford police station, scheduled to open by the end of the year.