RESIDENTS in a Toothill road are demanding action from Swindon Council to crack down on speeding cars.

People living in Luddesdown Road fear it is only a matter of time before a speeding driver kills someone in their road, which is just round the corner from Toothill Primary School.

Two months ago, a driver smashed into a parked car in the road causing it to land 50 yards away in a neighbour's front garden.

Residents' spokesman Ray Wells said the incident proved the road urgently needed more speeding restrictions.

"The area has been neglected," said Mr Wells, 39.

"Lots of other roads have got humps and one way systems with pinch points.

"It needs to be made safe so we and our children can cross safely."

No one was seriously hurt in the recent crash, which Mr Wells said left behind damage like a scene out of a horror film, but there have been five accidents there in the last three years.

He said cars were commonly moving at speeds of 40 to 50mph along the 30 mph road, and the council should at least put up speed limit signs or a warning sign that there is a school nearby.

Residents raised the problem with Swindon councillors earlier this month prompting local representative Mary Martin (Con, Toothill & Westlea) and council traffic experts to promise to inspect the area soon to see what could be done.

Luddesdown Road will also be added to the council's list of roads needing safety work, with the most deserving areas receiving money for traffic calming work.