I felt very sad on Sunday at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month 2001.

Yes, it was Remembrance Day and two minutes silence to remember people that had given their lives during war, not only the two World Wars, but also more recent conformations.

Except, during this time, all I could hear were the football players on Southwick playing field continuing their match.

Did they forget? Were they not aware of the date and the time? They play through Remembrance Sunday each year, but I thought this year was different being Sunday November 11. Is it too much to just take out two minutes of their lives and have half time during their game to cover 11am?

I do not appreciate having my thoughts being interrupted with shouts and the odd swear word. Have they forgotten the word respect? Could they put themselves into the shoes of the thousands of men that died in the trenches of the First World War, or the men that died on the beaches of France? I expect these men would have liked to have had a friendly match of football on a Sunday morning. The majority were under 25. Just at their prime for a good game. A lot of them were under 20, not ready to face what was ahead of them

Give some thought you folks and give respect. Because of the sacrifice of such people, you are free and able to enjoy your pastime.

If it was not for such loss of life, you may not even have been born... Remember.

Mrs SJ Oliver,

Hollis Way,

