WINNIE the Pooh paid a visit to Oare Toddlers group on Tuesday, to pick the winning tickets in a raffle.

The children's favourite proved a big hit with the youngsters but Ione Kapoor, four, was the only toddler tall enough to fit into the bear suit.

The raffle, held at the village hall, is one of a number of events organised by the Oare Kids Pre-school, which runs the toddlers group, to raise money for new nursery equipment and excursions for the children.

Since the start of term Oare Kids, which was voted Pre-school of the Year in 1997, has raised more than £900.

Julie Prowse, chairman of the pre-school, is optimistic about the future. "We hope to raise the same again next term," she said.

Raffle prizes included a balloon flight donated by Cameron Flights Southern, and a Gary Rhodes signed cookbook.

The pre-school runs every morning a week except Tuesdays from 9.15am to 12.45pm. The toddler group meets on Tuesdays from 9.30 to 11.30am.

Events planned for next term include a spring fair and a mile of pennies collection. For more details about the pre-school call Sara on (01672) 564395.