PUPILS at Grange Infant School enjoy going to school, are well behaved and have a good attitude towards their work, according to government inspectors.

The school's latest Ofsted report declares that relationships between pupils and teachers are good, and therefore contribute to successful learning.

And the leadership and management of headteacher Jan Thomas was also identified as a strength of the school.

Mrs Thomas said: "The governors, staff and myself have welcomed this report, which reflects both the strengths and weaknesses of the school at the time of inspection. There are a lot of positive features to be proud of and we have put together an action plan to take the school forward."

Inspectors praised the hard work of the governors and observed parents were also very supportive of the school. Results of the year 2000 National Curriculum assessments showed that standards in reading and maths at the school were well above average and those in writing above average. Inspection findings showed that by the time pupils are seven, standards in mathematics are above average and standards in reading, writing and science are average although not high enough compared to those achieved in similar schools.

Also on the downside, standards in ICT were said to be below national expectations and it was noted that pupils have insufficient opportunities to use computers to support their learning.