SPORT in Wiltshire has received a major boost this week with a £2.1m grant from the National Lottery.

The money, from the New Opportunities Fund, will be used to create new sporting facilities and to modernise existing services.

Bob Wolfson, Wiltshire's chief education officer, said: "We are confident the new or modernised provision this grant will provide will make a significant contribution to improving physical education, school sport and adventure.

"In doing so it will help to have a long-term impact on the wider education and social agenda."

The investment is particularly concerned with meeting the needs of disadvantaged communities and tackling health as well as sporting issues.

The new and modernised facilities it will help create will be aimed at the community, with an emphasis on drawing in those people living in more rural areas.

The funding is part of a nationwide PE and sport investment worth £750m, announced last year by the Prime Minister.

Baroness Jill Pitkeathley, chairman of the fund, said: "The new opportunities for PE and sport programme funding will substantially change the face of sporting provision in our schools and communities.

"In providing many more young people, particularly in disadvantaged areas, with the opportunity to engage in a range of physical activities, we can help build a more inclusive and healthier society."

Proposals for new projects will be put together between now and March next year.

These will then be assessed and the results of that assessment are due to be announced in September 2002.