A recent letter from Larry Wright and Chris Thackray (21/11) refers to religious fanatics who, under the name of Christianity, persecuted religious minorities.

But there is a serious confusion here between the Christian faith (to which my own letter referred), and people who have worn that label, while acting in disobedience to its founder.

These cruel and inexcusable actions say a lot about human nature, and nothing about the religion these people claimed to follow.

Jesus didn't tell his followers to persecute other people, and there is nothing in his teaching to justify it. In fact he said there would be many people who call him Lord but really don't belong in his kingdom.

Persecution of Jews and others is gross disobedience to his commands.

So let's have done with this misunderstanding. These evils cannot be blamed on the Christian faith itself, as described in the New Testament of the Bible. But misguided fanatics have given it a bad name, resulting in centuries of misrepresentation.

Both the culprits and their critics would have done better to realise this, that following Jesus not only requires faith but a turning away from wrongdoing. To do otherwise is less than Christian.

Trevor Hancock

Ipswich Street, Swindon