ANTI-WAR campaigners are expecting a large turn out for a public meeting on Tuesday.

The meeting is at 7.30pm at Broadgreen Community Centre in Salisbury Street.

It is sponsored by Swindon Green Party, Socialist Alliance and the Trades Council and there will be speakers from Friends of the Earth and the Muslim community.

So far the peace campaign has been very successful in Swindon. A full coachload of demonstrators went to the national demonstration in London on November 18, including large numbers of Muslims, Quakers, socialists and trades unionists.

On November 21 peace campaigners leafleted the audience of the Wyvern Theatre when radical comedian Mark Thomas was appearing and claim to have received a positive response.

Swindon Socialist Alliance spokesman Andy Newman said: "The war in Afghanistan has caused devastation to an already desperately poor country, and we are now beginning to hear of atrocities committed by our allies in the Northern Alliance.

"There have been well-documented massacres of prisoners of war. The war is preventing famine relief getting through to millions of people in the countryside, yet unbelievably some members of the US government are now arguing to extend the war to Iraq and Somalia. We need a mass anti-war movement that will stop the war now, in the same way that peace campaigners stopped the Vietnam War."

For more details about the meeting ring Swindon 520903.