I WAS interested to read the letter from Dr H Thomas and Prof W R Allan (EA Nov 27), stating that 100 members of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons support hunting with dogs.

I would challenge them to watch the video Chaos in the Countryside, produced by the League Against Cruel Sports. Images include: secretly taken, a terrified fox being dug out and thrown live to dogs; a live mink thrown to the dogs; deer and hares being torn to pieces by dogs, in front of cheering crowds; a supporter trying to drown a deer in the river, and so it continues. The video is banned for the under 18s because it is so terrible.

Even the Countryside Alliance cannot counter this video, the silence is deafening. There is evidence that foxes are bred for hunting.

I would be interested to know how many of the 100 veterinary surgeons are employed by the National Hunt.


Priors Hill, Wroughton