Holly, the partially sighted roe deer fawn, was found causing traffic chaos on a busy road, and taken to Willows Animal Sanctuary in Aberdeenshire, where she is now safe in a purpose built paddock.

She joined over 300 other rescued animals at this unique sanctuary in the tranquil seaside setting of Gardenstown. As well as caring for the animals, Willows fulfils a desperate need in the community by opening its doors to vulnerable people who find contact with animals therapeutic.

But all is not well. Willows needs to raise the money to buy the land their animals graze on or face the heartbreak of closing down.

If you are able to make a donation, please make cheques or postal orders payable to Willows Animal Sanctuary and send to Willows Animal Sanctuary, Findon Farm, Gardenstown, Banff, Aberdeenshire, AB45 3ET. For further information, or to sponsor a rescued animal, please contact me on 01261 851701, or visit the website at www.softopt.demon.co.uk

Kate Robinson (Trustee)

Willows Animal Sanctuary