I AM writing in response to an article entitled "Drive Them Off", which appeared in your paper on November 28.

My wife and I are the area reps for the Range Rover Register (RRR) an international club for the marque and wish to have a right of reply.

Yet again we see the rights of four wheel drive (and other vehicles) being attacked in the press.

What was not made clear in the article is that motor vehicles have a right to be on this ancient right of way.

As a club, we have travelled this route many times and have done so with care and courtesy to other users. We have an off-road code to which all our members abide by. Any member who was found contravening this code would have their membership debated by the National Committee.

In the past year, the members of the Wiltshire Chapter of the RRR have come to the aid of persons on various byways in the county.

We have approached the county council, and work closely with Denise Chandler and her team at Trowbridge.

Our members have assisted the council in clearing and repairing byways and bridlepaths in the south and north of the county. Our members are also listed with the county to assist staff during severe weather conditions, and have been for over 18 months.

We were recently asked to assist at the Purton and Lydiard Scouts Firework event at Lydiard Park.

All these activities are voluntary and the members receive no payment, but like to think that they are helping people and the environment locally.

As a result of the work our members do in the countryside, we know that not all heavily damaged tracks and lanes are the fault of two or four wheel drivers a minority of farmers have been known to be opposed to our legal right, and will block or otherwise ruin a lane to stop traffic.

We are not naive to believe that all off-road drivers are careful and considerate. Evidence of these vehicles and riders who misbehave should be published and reported to the authorities remember the laws of the road apply to byways but please do not tar everyone with the same brush.


Coleridge Close
