DISSATISFIED passengers have slammed the shoddy service provided by First Great Western train company.

Delays, confusing prices, poor infrastructure, and dirty and crowded trains were just some of the issues raised by commuters at a Swindon meeting as part of an investigation by the Rail Passengers Committee (RPC) into the first five years of company's franchise.

Julia Drown, Labour MP for Swindon South said: "People feel basic services are not being done well enough.

Civil servant, Richard Canovan, who commutes to London everyday, said: "There were some fundamental issues that weren't discussed, such as the terrible parking at most stations.

"Also the state of the tracks means they are in no fit state to maintain the freight and passenger services."

First Great Western managing director, Mike Carroll, listened to the long list of complaints.

He said First Great Western needed to implement a recovery strategy that would include programmes to revise customer service, train refurbishment, timetabling and communications between staff and customers.

He said: "We are close now to reintroducing a real time information service."

Chairman Christopher Irwin said: "I hope what comes out of this exercise will be positive for the rail industry."