CLLR Jeff Osborn can often get things wrong and his letter in last week's Wiltshire Times runs true to form.

Correspondents who voiced their concern about the future of Trowbridge were not denigrating the efforts of local people and voluntary organisations, but the letters did make three irrefutable points.

They were that the magistrates court is closing, the County Record Office is moving and Trowbridge will not be getting the cinema it needs so badly. All this smacks of a town in decline, whereas other towns in Wiltshire, like Chippenham, Swindon and Salisbury, seem to be thriving.

Cllr Osborn asks us to believe local councillors are driven solely by altruistic motives without thought of financial gain. They may not show a profit on paper during their period in office, but they draw generous attendance allowances and expenses and their standard of living is undoubtedly enhanced as a result. They vote themselves regular annual increases and they usually exceed the inflation rate when they do so.

He is right that people should come forward as candidates at local elections, but we need young, dynamic people to revitalise the set up. Unless they had the backing of one of the main political parties they would have little chance of success and labouring under the shadow of the present district council with its record of financial incompetence and mismanagement of planning applications is hardly encouraging.


Biss Meadow,
